Pocket Monsters (1997)

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Dogasu's Backpack | Lyrics Archive | Pocket Monsters (1997) Songs

Here are the songs that debuted in the TV series based on the Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, Pocket Monsters Red, Green, Blue, Pikachu, Gold, Silver, & Crystal Version.

Opening Themes

Here are the Japanese openings for the first Pocket Monsters TV series.

Title Description Symbols
(Aim to Be a Pokemon Master)
The first opening theme.

(The Rivals!)
The second opening theme.
The third opening theme. -
め ざせポケモンマスター (Whiteberryバージョン)
(Aim to Be a Pokemon Master (Whiteberry Version))
The fourth opening theme. -
Aratanaru Chikai (Acoustic Version)
(A New Journey--Acoustic Version)
The OP to TV Special #3, "Pocket Monster Crystal:  Lightning Raikou's Legend"

Ready Go!
(Ready Go!)
The fifth opening theme.

Ending Themes

Here are the Japanese endings for the third Pocket Monsters TV series.

Title Description Symbols
(One Hundred Fifty-One)
The first ending theme.

(Nyarth's Song)
The second ending theme.
(Fantasy in Your Pocket)
The third ending theme.

ポ ケモン音頭
(Pokemon March)
The fourth ending theme.
(Type Wild)
The fifth ending theme.

(Ride on Laplace)
The sixth ending theme.  It is used throughout the Orange Islands episodes.

(Nyarth's Party)
The seventh ending theme.  It is the first ending theme used for the Jouto region.
(Pokemon Worriesome Relay)
The eighth ending theme.
ポ ケモンはらはらリレー
(Pokemon Worrisome Relay)
The ninth ending theme, which is a faster version of the eigth ending theme with different lyrics.
(Takeshi's Paradise)
The tenth ending theme.
(To My Best Friend)
The eleventh ending theme.  TV size.
(To My Best Friend)
The eleventh ending theme.
(To My Best Friend)
The slightly different version of the ending theme used for the TV special "Myuutwo!  I Am Here"

(Look Ahead, Rocket-Dan!)
The twelfth ending theme.
(Pokettaari Monsutaari)
The thirteenth ending theme.
ニャー スのうた 2000
(Nyarth's Song 2000)
An updated version of the second ending theme.
TYPE:WILD (English Ver.)
(Type Wild (English Version))
The ending theme for Pokemon Encore. -
もっ と前向きロケット団!(RE-MIX Ver.)
(Look Ahead More, Rocket-Dan! (Re-Mix Version))
A remix of the twelfth ending theme.

Songs from the Winter Vacation Shorts
Here are the Japanese songs used in the various Pocket Monsters Winter Vacation shorts.

Title Description Symbols
(Winter Vacation Fan Club)
The opening theme to Pikachu's Winter Vacation.
カ ラフルふゆやすみ
(A Colorful Winter Vacation)
The ending theme to Pikachu's Winter Vacation. -
ア ソビズム宣言
(Playism Declaration)
The opening theme to Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2000.
ク リスマスイヴ
(Christmas Eve)
The ending theme to Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2000. -
ホ ワイトダンス
(White Dance)
The opening theme to Pichu's and Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2001.
(Santa is Coming Soon)
The ending theme to Pichu's and Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2001.

Miscellaneous Songs

During the early years of the franchise, songs that weren't intended to be used as opening themes or ending themes were used on a regular basis.  Here are those songs.

Title Description Symbols
(Can You Name All the Pokemon?)
A song listing out the first 150 pokemon.  Often referred to as the Japanese Pokemon Rap.
お やすみ ぼくのピカチュウ
(Goodnight, My Pikachu)
Used in Episode 039, "Pikachu's Woods."

(Can You Draw All the Pokemon?)
This song challenges you to draw various pokemon.
は い あさですよ!
(Yes, It's Morning!)
Suzukisan describes a strange dream.
ぐ にゃぐにゃガスガス
(Flexible Gas-Gas)
A song by Suzukisan.
あ あ マルマイン
(Ah, Marumine)
This Suzukisan song stands out as being their shortest one yet, with only three lines.
ク レヨン デ ポケモン
(Crayon de Pokemon)
This song describes various pokemon and invites you to figure out which one's being talked about.
(The Rocket-Dan Forever)
Used in Episode 045, "Sing!  Purin!"
(Lucky Lucky)
A very pun-heavy song, performed by Kojirou.
ノー マルポケモン Part1 ラッキー・ピッピ・ピクシー・イーブイ・プリン・プクリン・メタモン・カビゴン
(Normal Pokemon Part One - Lucky, Pippi, Pixy, Eevee, Purin, Pukurin, Metamon, and Kabigon)
The first song describing normal-type pokemon. -
ノー マルポケモン Part2 コラッタ・ラッタ・ガルーラ・ケンタロス・ニャース・ベルシアン・ベロリンガ・ポリゴン
(Normal Pokemon Part Two - Koratta, Ratta, Garura, Kentauros, Nyarth, Persian, Beroringa, and Porygon)
The second song describing normal-type pokemon. -
虫 ポケモン Part1 ビードル・コクーン・スピアー・キャタピー・トランセル・バタフリー
(Bug Pokemon Part One - Beedle, Cocoon, Spear, Caterpie, Trancell, and Butterfree)
The first song describing bug-type pokemon.
虫 ポケモン Part2 パラス・パラセクト・コンパン・モルフォン・カイロス・ストライク
(Bug Pokemon Part Two - Paras, Parasect, Kongpang, Morphon, Kailios, and Strike)
The second song describing bug-type pokemon. -
(Let's Please Trade)
Imakuni? and Kobayashi attempt to trade cards with each other.
す てきなコレクション
(A Wonderful Collection)
The singer of the theme song to the first movie, Kobayashi Sachiko, sings this song about the various collections that exist in this world.
(Road to Being a Pokemon Master)
The Title Screen theme from the original Red & Green games, now with lyrics. -

The Surf theme from the original Red & Green games, now with lyrics.
ポ ケモン言 えるかな baby?
(Can You Name All the Pokemon, Baby?)
A remix of the original "Can You Name All the Pokemon?"
(Hey!  Pikachu)
A song by Nyarth to Pikachu.  It was included as a bonus track on the CD single for "The Rivals!"
ポ ケモンサンドイッチ
(Pokemon Sandwich)
Play a game with Suzukisan!  They say a pokemon's name, and it's up to you to surround it with the name of another pokemon and create a "Pokemon Sandwich."
マ マのだいじなポケモン
(Mama's Important Pokemon)
This song appeard on the "The Flying Pokemon Kids" CD single.  It is later performed by Chihiro in Episode 245 "The Twin Pupurin vs. Purin!  The Singing Pokemon Concert" -
み んなであるこう!
(Let's All Walk Together!)
Satoshi, Kasumi, Takeshi, and Kenji join forces in this image song from the Lapras ni Notte single.
(...And So He Says Nya)
Nyarth tries to figure out what other pokemon are saying in this song that was included on the CD single for Nyarth no Party.
ポ ケモン言えるかneo?
(Can You Name All the Pokemon?  Neo)
A song listing out the 100 pokemon who debuted in Pocket Monsters Gold & Silver.  Often referred to as the Japanese GS Pokemon Rap. -
ne‐o‐e‐oh! (ネオエオ!)
This Suzukisan song was included in the CD single for Can You Name All the Pokemon?  Neo.




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