Tenth Anniversary
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Dogasu's Backpack | DVD Guide | Pokémon Tenth Anniversary

To celebrate the franchise's ten-year anniversary, Viz released two sets of ten "best of" DVDs, each one focusing on a different pokemon.  The pokemon being showcased were selected by fans via the Pokemon.com website.

Region One:  Indigo League | Adventures in the Orange Islands
Johto Journeys | Johto League Champions | Master Quest
Advanced | Advanced Challenge | Advanced Battle | Battle Frontier
Diamond & Pearl | DP Battle Dimension | DP Galactic Battles | DP Sinnoh League Victors
Black & White | BW Rival Destinies | BW Adventures in Unova (and Beyond)
Movies & Specials | Tenth Anniversary | Elements
Region Two:  TV Episodes | Movies & Pikachu Shorts | Pikachu The Movie Box
TV Specials & ANA Shorts | Theme Song Collections
Region Two Best Collection:  Pocket Monsters | Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! + Pocket Monsters

Individual Discs
Volume One:  Pikachu
Number of Discs:  1
Released June 6th, 2006

Contains Episodes 101, 136, and 214
"Pokmon - I Choose You!"
"Pikachu's Goodbye"
"The Pi-Kahuna"

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Volume Two:  Jigglypuff
Number of Discs:  1
Released June 6th, 2006

Contains Episodes 142, 205, and 229
"The Song of Jigglypuff"
"Beach Blank-Out Blastoise"
"A Scare in the Air"

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Volume Three:  Charizard
Number of Discs:  1
Released August 22nd, 2006

Contains Episodes 143, 252, and 329
"Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon"
"Charizard Chills"
"Charizard's Burning Ambitions"

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Volume Four:  Squirtle
Number of Discs:  1
Released August 22nd, 2006

Contains Episodes 112, 117, and 232
"Here Comes the Squirtle Squad"
"Island of the Giant Pok
"Fit to be Tide"

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Volume Five:  Blastoise
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 24th, 2006

Contains Episodes 607, 608, and 752
"The Ties That Bind"
"Can't Beat the Heat!"
"Judgment Day!"

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Volume Six:  Eevee
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 24th, 2006
Contains Episodes 137, 311, and 426
"The Battling Eevee Brothers"
"The Rivalry Revival"
"Trouble's Brewing"

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Volume Seven:  Bulbasaur
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 24th, 2006

Contains Episodes 110, 148, and 516
"Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village"
"Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden"
"Bulbasaur, the Ambassador!"

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Volume Eight:  Lugia
Number of Discs:  1
Released  December 5th, 2006

Contains Episodes 511-513
"The Mystery is History"
"A Parent Trapped"
"A Promise is a Promise"

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Volume Nine:  Charmander
Number of Discs:  1
Released December 19th, 2006

Contains Episodes 111, 211, and 140
"Charmander - The Stray Pokémon"
"Snow Way Out!"
"The March of the Exeggutor Squad"

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Volume Ten:  Mudkip
Number of Discs:  1
Released December 19th, 2006

Contains Episodes 637, 638, and 617
"A Mudkip Mission!"
"Turning Over a Nuzleaf!"
"In the Knicker of Time"

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Volume Eleven:  Meowth
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 28th, 2008

Contains Episodes 202, 217, and 243
"The Purr-fect Hero"
"Go West, Young Meowth"
"Meowth Rules!"

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Volume Twelve:  Treecko
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 28th, 2008

Contains Episodes 619, 620, and 701
"Tree's A Crowd"
"A Tail With A Twist"
"What You Seed Is What You Get"

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 Volume 13
Volume Thirteen:  Psyduck
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 28th, 2008

Contains Episodes 131, 216, and 238
"The Ninja Poké-Showdown"
"Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!"
"Bye Bye Psyduck"

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 Volume 14
Volume Fourteen:  Wobbuffet
Number of Discs:  1
Released October 28th, 2008

Contains Episodes 416, 435, and 821
"The Wayward Wobbuffet"
"Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?"

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Volume Fifteen:  Lapras
Number of Discs:  1
Released December 16th, 2008

Contains Episodes 231, 308, and 547
"The Lost Lapras"
"Viva Las Lapras"
"Lapras of Luxury"

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Volume Sixteen:  Totodile
Number of Discs:  1
Released December 16th, 2008

Contains Episodes 312, 346, and 348
"Don't Touch That 'dile"
"The Totodile Duel"
"Love, Totodile Style"

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Volume Seventeen:  Skitty
Number of Discs:  1
Released February 17th, 2009

Contains Episodes 707, 713, and 829
"I Feel Skitty!"
"Game Winning Assist"
"Deceit and Desist"

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Volume Eighteen:  Chikorita
Number of Discs:  1
Released February 17th, 2009

Contains Episodes 321, 331, and 442
"Chikorita Rescue"
"Chikorita's Big Upset"
"Current Events"

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Volume Ninteen:  Torchic
Number of Discs:  1
Released April 21st, 2009

Contains Episodes 617, 646, and 742
"In the Knicker of Time"
"Having a Wailord of a Time"
"A Shroomish Skirmish"

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Volume Twenty:  Onix
Number of Discs:  1
Released April 21st, 2009

Contains Episodes 105, 218, and 844
"Showdown in Pewter City"
"To Master the Onixpected"
"Hooked on Onix"

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Box Sets

 Slim Pack
Pokémon Top Ten (aka Pokémon All-Stars Collection)
Number of Discs:  10
Released May 22nd, 2007

Contains Episodes 101, 136, 214, 229, 142, 205, 229, 142, 205, 229, 143, 252, 329, 112, 117, 232, 607, 608, 752, 137, 311, 426, 110, 148, 516, 511-513, 111, 211, 140, 637, 638, and 617

Disc One
"Pokmon - I Choose You!"
"Pikachu's Goodbye"
"The Pi-Kahuna"

Disc Two
"The Song of Jigglypuff"
"Beach Blank-Out Blastoise"
"A Scare in the Air"

Disc Three
"Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon"
"Charizard Chills"
"Charizard's Burning Ambitions"

Disc Four
"Here Comes the Squirtle Squad"
"Island of the Giant Pok
"Fit to be Tide"

Disc Five
"The Ties That Bind"
"Can't Beat the Heat!"
"Judgment Day!"

Disc Six
"Battling Eevee Brothers"
"The Rivalry Revival"
"Trouble's Brewing"

Disc Seven
"Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village"
"Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden"
"Bulbasaur, the Ambassador!"

Disc Eight
"The Mystery is History"
"A Parent Trapped"
"A Promise is a Promise"

Disc Nine
"Charmander - The Stray Pokémon"
"Snow Way Out!"
"The March of the Exeggutor Squad"

Disc Ten
"A Mudkip Mission!"
"Turning Over a Nuzleaf!"
"In the Knicker of Time"

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Pokémon All-Stars Box Set 2
Number of Discs:  10
Released August 25th, 2009

The following episode listing is an educated guess only.  The disc's contents have not officially been announced yet and are therefore subject to change.

Contains Episodes 207, 217, 243, 619, 620, 701, 131, 216, 238, 416, 435, 821, 231, 308, 547, 312, 346, 348, 707, 713, 829, 321, 331, 442, 617, 646, 742, 105, 218, and 844

Disc One
"The Purr-fect Hero"
"Go West, Young Meowth"
"Meowth Rules!"

Disc Two
"Tree's A Crowd"
"A Tail With A Twist"
"What You Seed Is What You Get"

Disc Three
"The Ninja Poké-Showdown"
"Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!"
"Bye Bye Psyduck"

Disc Four
"The Wayward Wobbuffet"
"Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?"

Disc Five
"The Lost Lapras"
"Viva Las Lapras"
"Lapras of Luxury"

Disc Six
"Don't Touch That 'dile"
"The Totodile Duel"
"Love, Totodile Style"

Disc Seven
"I Feel Skitty!"
"Game Winning Assist"
"Deceit and Desist"

Disc Eight
"Chikorita Rescue"
"Chikorita's Big Upset"
"Current Events"

Disc Nine
"In the Knicker of Time"
"Having a Wailord of a Time"
"A Shroomish Skirmish"

Disc Ten
"Showdown in Pewter City"
"To Master the Onixpected"
"Hooked on Onix"

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