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Welcome to Dogasu's Backpack, a fansite for the Japanese franchise Pocket Monsters! For 24 years this website has been your guide for the Japanese version of Pokémon and contains content you can't find anywhere else. Stuff like detailed comparisons between the Japanese version and the English version of the animated series, interview translations, information on Japan-only manga, a lyrics database, a home video guide, and much more! So whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newbie just getting into Pocket Monsters this site has something for every fan to enjoy.

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Episode Comparison: Pokémon The Movie "The Power of One"
July 15th, 2024

Dogasu @ 23:44 JST -- Last month I go to the part of the Orange Islands arc where the second movie debuted in Japan and so I took a small break from doing regular episode comparisons to focus on the second movie. I started with a revamped comparison of "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure" and now I'm ready to tackle the main feature itself, Pokémon The Movie "The Power of One."

Pocket Monsters The Movie "Revelation Lugia"

Something like 90% to 95% of the second movie's script got rewritten for the English dub and so I sat down and documented every one of those changes. When I copied and pasted the text of this comparison into a Word document it comes out to around 50 pages so, well, I hope you like to read! As you might be able to tell a lot of work went into this one.

Now that I've got the second movie out of the way I'm going to start work on the next episode in the Orange Islands, "Charizard Chills."

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Rumor Guide: "Mewtwo's blast kills Satoshi at the end of Movie 1"
July 12th, 2024

Dogasu @ 23:50 JST -- Before I move on to the revamped "The Power of One" comparison (I'm like 80% done with it, by the way) I thought it'd be nice to take a quick break and update the Rumor Guide I started up last month. This time around I'm tackling a rumor regarding Movie 1; Does Mewtwo's blast kill Satoshi at the end of Mewtwo Strikes Back!?

Does Mewtwo's blast kill Satoshi at the end of Movie 1?

I take a look at why people think he dies and then dive into various Japanese texts to figure out whether or not that interpretation's correct. The essay's not quite as long as the previous entry but they're not all going to be; sometimes a few quotes is all you need to prove a point!

I have my own list of rumors I plan to tackle in future updates but I'd also like to hear from you all. Are there any rumors related to the Pocket Monsters animated series or movies that you'd like to see featured on the site? If so, let me know through the usual channels below!

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Episode Comparison: "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure"
June 12th, 2024

Dogasu @ 23:59 JST -- As you're all aware by now I've been making my way through the Orange Islands episodes these last few years, documenting the numerous changes between the Japanese version and the English version. I've now reached the point in the saga where the second Pocket Monsters movie comes out in Japan and so for this month's comparison I'm doing a revamp of my comparison for "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure."

"Pikachu's Rescue Adventure"

I already did this comparison years ago but when I looked back over it I found it to be lacking in quite a few areas so I basically redid the comparison from the ground up. The second Pikachu film is unique in that 4Kids completely removed the narrator from the film, creating this weird pseudo dub where something like 95% of the film's dialogue gets removed for reasons we can only really guess at.

I'm also working on a revamp of my "The Power of One" comparison so look forward to that coming soon!

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"Pocket Monsters Liko's and Roy's Adventure" Animated Series Original Soundtrack CD comes out June 19th
June 11th, 2024

Dogasu @ 21:19 JST -- A few weeks ago listings for what seemed to be a CD soundtrack release of Conisch's background music from the Pocket Monsters (2023) TV series began to surface on online retailers. Details were pretty scarce at the time -- all we had were a title and a June 19th release date -- and so there wasn't much to report but now that we're getting closer to the release date we're starting to get a better picture of what this release will be!

"Pocket Monsters Liko's and Roy's Adventure" Animated Series Original Soundtrack

The CD Guide has been updated with full details about the CD that include a full track listing, a look at the physical extras that'll come packed with early printings, and links to where you can purchase the CD for yourself.

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Rougela in Animation From Black to Purple
June 10th, 2024

Dogasu @ 23:27 JST -- You may remember I made a page a few years ago called "Rougela in Animation From Black to Purple" where I documented the episodes of Pocket Monsters that had been re-edited to turn Rougela from its original black to its updated purple design. As of 2017 the majority of Rougela's appearances had been updated but there were still about five episodes that still depicted her with her old design.

Rougela in Animation From Black to Purple

Well, earlier this week bluesun and Toa of Gallifrey alerted me to the fact that all those random stragglers -- the Hinamatsuri episode, the Orange Islands showboat episode, the final Orange Islands gym episode, that one Dr. Ookido's Pokémon Lecture segment, and the Pokémon magician episode -- had finally gotten their own purple edit. And so I went through the aforementioned Rougela page and updated both the sections on those episodes as well as the big list at the bottom of the page that lays out which streaming service is showing which version of each episode.

With this latest update, every single piece of animation that used to feature Rougela with its original black design has been updated so that she's now consistently purple across the entire series.

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Introducing the Rumor Guide
June 5th, 2024

Dogasu @ 21:12 JST -- For a long, long while now I've wanted to add a Rumor Guide on the site, a section where I take a look at the various rumors surrounding the animated series and work to figure out whether they're true or not. But, for one reason or another, I just never got around to sitting down and writing it. Well, today I'm finally ready to post my first entry to the newest section of the site: Does the Japanese version of the second Pokémon movie confirms Musashi and Kojirou are 25 years old?

Instead of giving a simple "yes" or "no" answer I try taking a look at the dialogue from every possible angle, as well as any other materials I could think of to refer to, before delivering what I believe to be a sensible verdict. Hopefully you'll agree!

I've got a lot of ideas for future installments to the Rumor Guide -- some as long as this one, some much, much shorter -- but if you happen to have any suggestions of long-standing rumors you'd like me to cover then please let me know!

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Episode Comparison: "Bound for Trouble"
May 6th, 2024

Dogasu @ 10:47 JST -- It's a new month so that means it's time for a new comparison! This time let's look at what all was changed between the Japanese and English versions of the Orange Islands episode "Bound for Trouble."

"Bound for Trouble"

The episode has the usual script rewrites, of course, but this one sticks out because it also has a number of sound effect edits as well...? The write-up also takes a look at the brilliance of Masaaki Iwane's animation style, characters being mean to each other, Pikachu's gender, dub background music, and a whole lot more!

As usual, let me know what you think via the links below!

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