Pocket Monsters
"Everyone's Story"
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Dogasu's Backpack | Movies & Specials Guide | Pocket Monsters The Movie "Everyone's Story"

This page collects public comments made by the creators of this film.

December 11th, 2017:  The movie is announced

The movie's character designer, Shizue Kaneko (金子志津枝), made a post shortly after the movie's first teaser trailer came out:

Shizue Kaneko

結局仕事で起きてたよ💦💦 という訳で来年公開の 映画ポケモンのキャラデザなどやらせて頂くことになりました。新参者ですが、宜しくお願いします😺😹😺(〃・д・) -д-))ペコリン
In the end I'm awake now thanks to my job. That's because I'm going to be allowed to do character design work for the Pokemon movie coming out next year. Even though I'm new to the team I hope we'll all work hard together.

The film's director, Tetsuo Yajima (矢嶋哲生), expressed his thoughts about taking the director's seat. Up until this film the directors of the Pocket Monsters films had always been Kunihiko Yuyama (湯山邦彦).

Tetsuo Yajima

2018年の劇場版ポケットモンスターの監督をさせて頂きます。 湯山さんから受け取ったバトンを手に、サトシとピカチュウ、そしてみんなの旅のお手伝いをしていきたいと思います。 どんな場所でどんなステキな事が起こるのか。 楽しみにしてて下さい。
I'm going to be allowed to be the director of 2018's Pocket Monsters movie. I'd like to take the baton passed on to me from Mr. Yuyama in my hand and help Satoshi, Pikachu, and everyone else on this journey. What incredible things will happen, and where? Please look forward to it.

今までポケモンの歴史を作ってきた凄い先達様達の道筋もありますし、 色々試行錯誤して考えながらですが、映画で生き生き描けたらと思います。時間なくてサ サッとしたラクガキですが、宜しくお願いします💦サトシくん、よろしくね。🐱🐱
The amazing pioneers who've been creating Pokemon up until now have been giving me guidance and even though there's been a lot of trial and error so far I think we've been able to draw a movie filled with life and energy. I didn't have much time but here's a quick doodle I did anyway. Satoshi-kun, best regards.

December 26th, 2017:  Additional Comments

飛びつくピカチュウ! ナントカ生き生き描けるようにがんばります😺😺ポケモン奥が深いです�🐱
Jumping Pikachu! I'm doing my best to fill my drawings with some kind of life and energy! There really is a lot to Pokemon.

January 27th, 2018:  Additional Comments from Character Designer Shizue Kaneko

キャラ表を作る時に処理をどうするか考える時に自分で考える用のフ レームテストとして描くのです。前に描いたものですが😺仲良しのサトピカ✨
This is something I drew as a frame test back when I was making the character model sheet and thinking about how I would put it all together. Even though this is something I had drawn before 😺 Look at how close SatoPi are

February 27th, 2018:  The first trailer and the full title of the film are revealed

The first tweet comes from Character Designer Shizue Kaneko at 2:15 in the morning...

Shizue Kaneko

ふぅ今日も働いたでぇヾ(:3ヾ∠)_キャラ表に使わなかったボツ大 ラフですがよければ。。
Whew, I worked hard today too. This rough sketch didn't end up getting used for the character model sheet but here it is anyway...

Later that day:

Shizue Kaneko

今年の夏は熱いですね!私はキャラデザメインですが、特報も部分的で すが総作監を丸藤さんと共同で参加させていただきました。丸藤さんはとても器用な方でなんでも素晴らしく描ける方ですし、監督やほかのスタッフ共々本編は スゴイ実力派ばかりで私もとても楽しみです。😺
It sure is going to be a hot summer! Even though I'm doing the character designs I was also able to help out Chief Animation Director Mr. Marufuji with part of the teaser. Mr. Marufuji is a very skillful person who can draw anything superbly and the director and the rest of the staff are all working together to make this movie really special. I'm really looking forward to it.  😺

Hirotaka Marufuji

2018映画ポケモンに 総作画監督で参加させてもらってます!ポケモンたちの動き!奥が深い!キービジュと予告が解禁になりましたよー!!これ見て7.13まで そわそわしててください(*≧∀≦*) 以上、現場からでした!!
I have the honor of being the Chief Animation Director for the 2018 Pokemon movie! There's a lot to take in there! They key visual and trailer have finally been taken out from under wraps! Please check them out and get excited for when the movie comes out on July 13th. (*≧∀≦*) Signing off from the studio!!

February 28th, 2018:  Additional Comments from Director Tetsuo Yajima

Tetsuo Yajima

忙しくて遅れちゃったけど… 予告公開されましたね! 「みんなの物語」!! スタッフ一丸となって作ってます! お楽しみに!!
I've been busy so I know this is late...but the new trailer's been released!  "Everyone's Story"!! Every single person on the staff has a hand in making this! Look forward to it!!

沢山のリツイート、いいね、ありがとうございます!!!! 早く皆さんに届けたい!!
Thank you for all the retweets and likes!!!! I can't wait for you all to see this movie!!

More posts will be added as promotion for the movie continues.




  Dogasu's Backpack is a fan-created website  Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) is © 1995-2018 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK, Inc. / Pokémon USA / 4Kids Entertainment Inc.  No infringement of copyrights is meant by the creation of the web site.

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