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Dogasu's Backpack | Manga Guide | Pocket Monsters Special

Pocket Monsters Special BW Version originally started publication in the January 2011 issue of CoroCoro Ichiban.

Table of Contents

All titles are based on the Japanese language version.

Serialized version
Graphic Novel version
01)  Chapter One
02)  Chapter Two
03)  Chapter Three

Chapter One

CoroCoro Ichiban January 2011

Printed in the January 2011 issue of
CoroCoro Ichiban
View the title page

In Kanoko Town, a boy named Black and his two pokemon, Mun'na and Wargle, anxiously await the arrival of a package from Araragi-Hakase.  When the postman finally delivers the parcel, Black eagerly rips it open and finds Monster Balls containing Tsutarja, Mijumaru, and Pokabu!  Black, who had gotten sick from waiting outside in the rain the previous night, lets out a sneeze that jolts the pokemon from their Monster Balls!  The pokemon immediately begin to bicker until Pokabu gets fed up and runs away!  As Black chases after the fire-type pokemon, two trainers named Cheren and Bel come across the remaining pokemon.  After choosing their starters, the two catch up to Black and witness him choosing Pokabu as his starter pokemon.  A sudden attack from an unknown enemy startles Black, so his Mun'na hops on his head and uses its ability to eat dreams to clear its trainer's mind.  With no other thoughts to distract him, Black is able to focus and determine that his attacker was a wild Kurumiru!  After Black's Pokabu defeats the grass-type in battle, Black and his pokemon hop onto his Wargle and fly off, ready to take on the Pokemon League.




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