Unshou Ishizuka
1951 - 2018

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Dogasu's Backpack | Features | Unshou Ishizuka, 1951-2018

Unshou Ishizuka (石塚運昇), the voice of characters like Dr. Ookido and the Narrator in the Pocket Monsters animated series / movies, passed away on Monday, August 13th. He was 67 years old.

Unshou Ishizuka

His talent agency, Aoni Production, made the announcement on their website a few days later on Friday, August 17th:

弊社所属俳優 石塚運昇 儀(享年68) 

Mr. Unshou Ishizuka, an actor belonging to our agency, has passed away at the age of 67. He had been undergoing treatment for esophageal cancer but none of it proved to be effective and on August 13th, 2018 he went into an eternal slumber. We are forever grateful for all the kindness received during his life.

(Japanese obituaries use what's called the kazoedoushi system, an old and mostly obsolete standard that calculates your age starting with your time in the womb, not from the day you were actually born. This, in turn, usually makes your kazoedoushi age a year older than the age we would normally recognize. Mr. Ishizuka was born on May 16th, 1951 which made him 67 years old at the time of his death).

I want to avoid statements like "we lost one of the greats" or "this is a big one!" because it implies that his death is somehow more tragic than the others who have died before him. Ranking voice actors' deaths by how many roles they played is gross. At the same time, however, it's hard to look at his resume and not feel that the animated series will never be the same again now that he's no longer with us. I mean, just look at how many roles he's provided over the past 20 years:

Unshou Ishizuka's Characters (Human Language)
Dr. Ookido
Koiking Salesman
King of Pokelantis
Dr. Ookido
Narrator Koiking Salesman
King of Pokelantis
Satoshi's Isshu Pokemon Bestiary
Satoshi's Isshu Pokemon Bestiary
Adeku Concombre
Count Pump
Satoshi & Serena's 2nd Kalos Pokemon Bestiary
Nariya Ookido
Count Pump Satoshi & Serena's 2nd Kalos
Pokemon Bestiary
Nariya Ookido

Dr. Ookido. The narrator. The Koiking Salesman. The Isshu League Champion. Pokemon Bestiaries.

But that's not even all. Mr. Ishizuka voiced over a hundred different pokemon during his time with the show and some of these pokemon, like Iwark and Gyarados, kept their Japanese voices even in the international dubs. In other words, we've all heard his voice at one time or another.

Pocket Monsters
Kojirou's Dogars
Takeshi's Iwark
Onisuzume (Episode 001) Onidrill Kojirou's Dogars Takeshi's Iwark
Kojirou's Koiking
Natsume's Yungeller Satoshi's Betobeton Matadogas
Kojirou's Koiking
Natsume's Yungeller Satoshi's Betobeton Kojirou's Matadogas
Sakaki's Golonya Sakaki's Iwark Shiba's Iwark Satoshi's Kingler
Sakaki's Golonya Sakaki's Kairiky Shiba's Iwark Satoshi's Kingler
Atsumi's Kamex Kenji's Strike Yuuji's Iwark Yuuji's Gangar
Atsumi's Kamex Kenji's Strike Yuuji's Iwark Yuuji's Gangar
Yuuji's Fushigibana Takeshi's Kunugidama Takeshi's Foretos Shijima's Goriky
Yuuji's Fushigibana Takeshi's Kunugidama Takeshi's Foretos Shijima's Goriky
Dr. Namba's Eleboo
Mikan's Haganeil Wataru's Gyarados Yanagi's Inomoo
Dr. Namba's Eleboo
Mikan's Haganeil Wataru's Gyarados Yanagi's Inomoo
Moe's Eleboo Shigeru's Kamex Hazuki's Sleeper Hazuki's Haganeil
Moe's Eleboo Shigeru's Kamex Hazuki's Sleeper Hazuki's Haganeil

Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation
Tsutsuji's Ishitsubute
Touki's Makunoshita
Touki's Hariteyama
Daigo's Bossgodora
Tsutsuji's Ishitsubute
Touki's Makunoshita
Touki's Hariteyama
Daigo's Bossgodora
Kasumi's Gyarados
Asuna's Cotoise
Senri's Kekking
Satoshi's Ohsubame
Kasumi's Gyarados
Asuna's Cotoise
Senri's Kekking
Satoshi's Ohsubame
Genji's Bohmander
Giant Nendoll
Tetsuya's Metagross Masamune's Laglarge
Genji's Bohmander
Giant Nendoll
Tetsuya's Metagross Masamune's Laglarge
Tetsuya's Dirtengu Kogomi's Hariteyama Harley's Octank Lila's Metagross
Tetsuya's Dirtengu Kogomi's Hariteyama Harley's Octank Lila's Metagross
Mika's Ratta Jirou's Haganeil Jindai's Samayouru Shigeru's Elekible
Mika's Ratta
Jirou's Haganeil Jindai's Samayouru Shigeru's Elekible

Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl
Shinji's Ringuma
Hyouta's Iwark
J's Drapion
Kengo's Houdin
Shinji's Ringuma
Hyouta's Iwark
J's Drapion Kengo's Houdin
Goyou's Dohtakun
Shinji's Dodaitose Maxi's Gyarados
Ryou's Drapion
Goyou's Dohtakun Shinji's Dodaitose Maxi's Gyarados
Ryou's Drapion
Melissa's Gangar
Hikari's Mammoo
Tougan's Haganeil
Tougan's Torideps
Melissa's Gangar
Hikari's Mammoo
Tougan's Haganeil
Tougan's Torideps
Kengo's Goriky Kurotsugu's Dosaidon
Kikuno's Kabaldon
Kengo's Goriky Kurotsugu's Dosaidon Kikuno's Kabaldon
Naoshi's Armaldo
Kouhei's Berobelt
Shinji's Drapion
Naoshi's Armaldo Kouhei's Berobelt Shinji's Drapion

Pocket Monsters Best Wishes
Shooty Hatoboh
Dent's Maggyo
Luke's Gobit
Shooty's Hatoboh
Dent's Maggyo
Luke's Gobit
Kenyan's Zebraika
Cabernet's Mooland
Kenyan's Zebraika
Cabernet's Mooland
Satoshi's Gantle Masaomi's Nageki Hachiku's Tsunbear
Satoshi's Gantle Masaomi's Nageki Hachiku's Tsunbear
Homika's Pendror Shizui's Mantain Shaga's Ononokus
Homika's Pendror Shizui's Mantain Shaga's Ononokus
Kojirou's Morobareru Pansy's Gogoat Ibuki's Kairyu
Kojirou's Morobareru Pansy's Gogoat Ibuki's Kairyu

Pocket Monsters XY (&Z)
Zakuro's Iwark
Saizou's Gamenodes
Fukuji's Gogoat
Zakuro's Iwark
Saizou's Gamenodes
Fukuji's Gogoat
Tierno's Kamex
Shouta's Hitotsuki
Alan's Metang
Tierno's Kamex
Shouta's Hitotsuki
Alan's Metang
Urup's Yukinooh
Shouta's Kekking
Alan's Metagross
Urup's Yukinooh
Shouta's Kekking Alan's Metagross

Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon
Kaki's Lizardon
Mamane's Denjimushi Lychee's Dainose
Kaki's Lizardon
Mamane's Denjimushi Lychee's Dainose


Pocket Monsters The Movies
Umio's Gyarados
Hitomi's Metagross
Cross' Gaogaen
Umio's Gyarados
Hitomi's Metagross
Cross' Gaogaen
Sweet's Kamex
Sweet's Kamex

Mr. Ishizuka also sang the TV series' very first ending theme, Hyaku Gojuu-Ichi, and sang a part of the ending theme to Pikachu's Summer Vacation, Pika Pika-massai-chu.

Hyaku Gojuu-Ichi
Pika Pika-massai-chu

Hyaku Gojuu-Ichi, which was released back in 1997, is currently sitting at the Number 14 spot on the Japan Billboard "Hot Animation" charts, most likely due to Mr. Ishizuka's name being in the news so much lately.

Reaction to Mr. Ishizuka's death was swift, with many of his co-stars going online to express their shock:

Voice actress Mika Kanai:

Mika Kanai

ずっ とずっと一緒だった運昇さんが。 みんなで悲しみを堪えての収録でした。 大好きでした。 心よりご冥福をお祈りします。 いつかまた、、、。 運昇さん。。。
Mr. Unshou was always by my side ever since the beginning. We all loved recording with him. I really loved that man. I hope he rests in peace from the bottom of my heart...Mr. Unshou...

Key animator Masa'aki Iwane:

Masa'aki Iwane

こ ういう時の言葉選びはあまり得意ではないんですが、ご冥福をお祈りいたします
I'm not good at putting my feelings into words at times like this but I hope he rests in peace.

Music producer for the Pocket Monsters animated series, Hirokazu Tanaka:

Hirokazu Tanaka

石 塚運昇さんの訃報。ひゃくごじゅういち、ピカピカまっさいチュウ、などポケモンソングでご一緒した。「ん〜僕の歌で大丈夫ですかねぇ」毎回おっしゃって た。いやいや運昇さんだからこその「抜け、優しさ、味わい」参加された曲はどれも特別。ひゃくごじゅういち、大好きです。ご冥福をお祈りします。
So I heard about Mr. Unshou Ishizuka's death. We worked on Hyaku Gojuu-Ichi, Pika Pika-massai-chu, and other Pokemon songs together. Every time he would say "Ehh, my singing voice wasn't too horrible is it?" But of course it wasn't. And the fact that it was Mr. Unshou singing these songs gave them a kindness and flavor that made them all the more special. I really love Hyaku Gojuu-Ichi. May he rest in peace.

Singer / songwriter during the Pocket Monsters XY(&Z) days, Tomohisa Sako:

Tomohisa Sako

僕 にとって父の次にたくさん聞いた優しい声。 ポケモンの素晴らしさは石塚さんの声で知りました。 石塚運昇さん、ご冥福をお祈りいたします。
For me, other than my father he was the kind voice I heard the most. We all learned about the wonder of pokemon thanks to Mr. Ishizuka's voice. Mr. Unshou Ishizuka, may you rest in peace.

Nyarth's voice actress Inuko Inuyama:

Inuko Inuyama

石 塚運昇さんが旅出たれた。 大好きな運昇さん。 ポケモンで20年以上ずーっとお世話になった運昇さん。 舞台も観に来てくれてた運昇さん。 あんな渋い声なのにとってもお茶目な運昇さん。 ここでは言い尽くせないけどいっぱいいっぱいありがとう。これからは向こうで大好きなゴルフやるね、きっと。
Mr. Unshou Ishizuka has headed off on his final journey. I really loved that man. Mr. Unshou, who's been with Pokemon for 20 years, ever since the very beginning. Mr. Unshou, who went to see me on stage. Mr. Unshou, who had such a cool voice but was also a prankster. I can't do it properly here but thank you so, so much. You're definitely off in a better place playing golf somewhere.

Pokkén Tournament producer Katsuhiro Harada:

Katsuhiro Harada

石 塚さんのご冥福をお祈り致します。 しかしショックです...郷里大輔さんから三島平八の声優を石塚さんが引き継いで下さって、、、 今作のストーリー上で平八も死去しているだけに言葉がありません。
May Mr. Unshou Ishizuka rest in peace. But this is a big shock to us...he took on the role of Heihachi Mishima (in the Tekken series) from Mr. Daisuke Gori...and in the story of the newest game Heihachi has also died...I have no words.

Kasumi's voice actress Mayumi Iizuka:

Mayumi Iizuka

悲 しい。
I'm so sad.
His smile and voice and personality always had this warmth and kindness behind them.
I really loved him.
He taught me so much.
Mr. Unshou
Thank you for everything.

Eureka's voice actress from Pocket Monsters XY(&Z), Mariya Ise:

Mariya Ise

ガ ンダムUC、ポケットモンスターXY。 私にとってターニングポイントとなった大切な作品でご一緒させて頂きました。 運昇さんの声、背中、笑顔、優しさ、くださったお言葉、一生忘れません。 絶対に、絶対に、忘れません。 心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。 ありがとうございました‥
(Mobile Suit) Gundam Unicorn, Pocket Monsters XY...he was there for the big shows that I consider to be the turning points in my career. Mr. Unshou's voice, the nudges forward he gave me, his smile, his kindness, his words of advice...I won't forget them as long as I live. I definitely, definitely won't. May you rest in peace. Thank you for everything...

Game Freak director and composer Junichi Masuda:

Junichi Masuda

石 塚運昇さん、素晴らしいオーキド博士をありがとうございました。心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。
Mr. Unshou Ishizuka, thank you for being such a fantastic Dr. Ookido. May you rest in peace.

Satoshi's voice actress Rika Matsumoto:

Rika Matsumoto

20 年以上、毎週、隣のマイクに立ってスタンバイ。梨香の中でそこにいるのがあたり前になってた石塚運昇さん。 「検査入院で2週間休むけどよろしく…じゃ行ってくるな」が最後になってしまった。感謝の気持ちをもっとあなたに伝えたかった。 悔しくて辛い。

Every week for more than 20 years he was standing at the mic beside me, waiting for his turn. Of course the person I'm talking about is Mr. Unshou Ishizuka. My last words to him were "Good luck these next two weeks in the hospital...I'll come visit you." I wanted to express my gratitude to you more. This sucks.

All I can do from now on is do my best for the both of us!

Mamane's voice actress Fumiko Takekuma:

Fumiko Takekuma

お 声はもちろんお仕事に対するご姿勢、素敵な笑顔、かけて頂いた言葉。全部しっかり心に刻まれています。


His voice, of course, but also his attitude at work, his wonderful smile, the advice he had to give...every bit of that is etched in my heart.

My head's still swimming at the news and I still don't know what to say so I'll just leave it at this:

Mr. Unshou, thank you so, so much for everything.

Pocket Monsters screenplay writer Hideki Sonoda:

Hideki Sonoda

石 塚運昇さんが亡くなった。 ご病気のことは聞いていたのだけれど、現実が目の前に突きつけられると、胸が苦しい。 ポケモンでは、二十年にわたってお付き合いしました。 かけがえのない人でした。 ありがとうございました。 一緒にお芝居したかったです。 ご冥福を祈ります。
Mr. Unshou Ishizuka has passed away. I had heard that he was sick but hearing this news is still like being hit with a ton of bricks. He's been with Pokemon for 20 years. He's irreplaceable. Thank you for everything. I was happy to be able to make stories together with you. Rest in peace.

Special guest voice actor in the movies, Kouichi Yamadera:

Kouichi Yamadera

石 塚運昇さんとは数々の作品でご一緒させて頂きました。中でも「カウボーイビバップ」での共演は僕にとって一生の宝物です。ずっと奇跡を信じ、完全復帰を 祈っていました。 ただただ残念で、悲しいです。唯一無二の美声と色気、表現力、そして温かい人柄。大好きな運昇さんのご冥福をお祈りします。
I had the pleasure of working on a bunch of different projects with Mr. Unshou Ishizuka. And among those Cowboy Bebop, which we were in together, is the one I will cherish forever. I was holding out hope that a miracle would happen and prayed that he would make a full recovery. But he didn't, and that's tragic. He had a unique voice, was expressive, and had a warm personality. My dear Mr. Unshou, may he rest in peace.

Musashi's voice actress Megumi Hayashibara also made several posts about Mr. Unshou on her blog but she asks that her text not be copied on other sites.

TV-Tokyo was reached for comment by various news organizations about possible replacements / successors and gave the following statement:

放 送中のテレビシリーズアニメ『ポケットモンスター サン&ムーン』では、おもにナレーションとオーキド博士役としてご出演されています。10月一週目までの放送回はすでに収録を終え、予定通り放送する予定 です。以後の代役や後任については未定です
For the currently airing animated TV series Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon, he was primarily the voice of Dr. Ookido and the narrator. All the episodes scheduled to air until the first week of October have already been recorded and are scheduled to air as planned. A replacement or successor to his roles after that has not been decided at this time.

Mr. Ishizuka was a voice actor who appeared in many, many series throughout his career. Some of his more notable roles are Jet Black in Cowboy Bebop, Kizaru in One Piece, Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball Kai / Dragon Ball Super, Heihachi Mishima in Tekken, Zabuza Momochi in Naruto, Joseph Joestar in recent JoJo's Bizarre Adventure TV series, and "Papa" Dino Golzine in Banana Fish. Among many, many others.

On the July 8th, 2012 episode of Pokemon Radio Show! The Rocket-Dan's Secret Empire, Mr. Ishizuka had this to say about "raising pokemon" (in the context of this radio show, "raising pokemon" = voice acting):

Mr. Miki:  "Until what age do you want to keep raising pokemon? Do you even want to continue?"
Mr. Ishizuka:  "Me?"
Mr. Miki:  "Yes."
Mr. Ishizuka:  "Oh, until I die."
Ms. Hayashibara:  "Oh!"
Mr. Miki:  "R...really!?"
Mr. Ishizuka:  "Yes, that's right."
Mr. Miki:  "You're a lifer then?"
Mr. Ishizuka:  "I'm a lifer. I'll keep raising pokemon until my voice gives out."



  Dogasu's Backpack is a fan-created website  Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) is © 1995-2018 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK, Inc. / Pokémon USA / 4Kids Entertainment Inc.  No infringement of copyrights is meant by the creation of the web site.

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