Happy Anniversary! (Year Eighteen) |
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| Rants
| Happy Anniversary! (Year Eighteen)
By Dogasu
Posted January 31st, 2018 Dogasu's Backpack turns eighteen years old today, a number that is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. If this website was a person living in the U.S. then it'd be old enough to buy cigarettes, and vote, and get a tattoo, and serve in the military! This site is older than a significant portion of its audience and is older than most of the other Pokémon websites in existence! I was only seventeen years old when I started this thing, meaning that my site is now older than I was when it first started. Like, holy shit you guys. Some of the years were admittedly kind of meh *cough 2004 cough* but 2017 was definitely not one of them. And it's obviously all because of Kanto2017. Dogasu's Backpack is, for better or for worse, "that Pokémon comparisons website," yet in recent years the site has admittedly not been living up to that reputation. I only did like nine comparisons in 2015, and six back in 2014? This site was living off the coattails of its past accomplishments for quite a while there, wasn't it? But in 2017 I did thirty-nine comparisons. Thirty nine long-form, incredibly detailed, fully researched comparisons. I honestly don't know how I could make them any better. Now I'm not going to lie; keeping up that weekly schedule as an adult in my mid-30s is tough. It sucked feeling guilty whenever I spent my free time not working on my website because there was always this voice in the back of my head nagging me to devote every second I wasn't at work to Dogasu's Backpack. "You don't have time for socializing or Breath of the Wild; you have Episode Comparisons to do!" But! I actually really do love episode comparisons. They're a lot of fun, they teach me more about the series I love so much, and they give me a chance to spread knowledge about a version of the show that is still so severely under-represented outside Japan. And, judging by how many more Facebook / Twitter followers I've gained after doing Kanto2017, it seems that a lot of you guys feel the same. So yeah, Episode Comparisons are tiring and time consuming and kill my ability to do anything else for the site. But I can't wait to do more. I feel like a lot of people are taking Orange2018 as something that's just a given, and while I'm not ready to shoot that idea down completely (I'm kind of 50/50 about it now) I will say that there's other stuff I want to do with my 2018 as well. I very much want to tackle the giant stack of magazines and start translating all the interviews inside and I also want to revamp this site's sections on the Celebi and Latios / Latias movies. And the DVD / CD Guides are in desperate need of being dusted off. So we'll see. Whatever I end up doing, though, I hope you all enjoy it and continue to be the awesome fans that you are. Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to end my anniversary write-up with my predictions for the following year:
And that's about it! How much of what I said above will come true? I can't wait to find out. |
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