February 2002

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Dogasu's Backpack | Old Updates Archive | February 2002

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Important Pokemon section back up
Wednesday, February 27th, 2002

Welcome back to envy!  The site's back up on a (supposedly) reliable server, so we'll see what happens.  Geocities is good for those temporary "my server screwed me over and my site doesn't have a home now" periods, but now that I'm out of that phase I don't need it.  That's right, Geocities, I used you!!!  Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!

Um...yeah.  I have a dinky little add at the top of each page, but it's better than having to x-out that long ad that Geocities pops up every time you view a page.  The ad at the top is much less annoying--reminds me of my Terrashare days. 

Anyway, I've gotten everything back up on envy, including the Important Pokemon section!  I've updated the bios with some updated information on the newer pokemon, so now it's up to date.  But be warned, because they do contain spoilers (such as how Satoshi got his Gomazou/Phanpy).  I've also updated the Humans' Bios section, making updates here and there (most noticably in Torus' bio).

Also, I have a bit of news.  Actually, it's old news, but I'm just getting around to posting it.  Our favorite dubbing company 4Kids has gained control of Fox Kids and, starting in Fall 2002, will control all the programming for the block.  Fox Kids was losing lots of money due to low ratings--both Kids' WB! and Cartoon Network were dominating the afternoon ratings--so Fox Kids had to axe their weekday line-up.  It was only a matter of time before their Saturday morning line-up would face similar threats, so they wound up selling it.  4Kids won the bid.  Here's an excerpt from their official press release:

    "Beginning with the September 2002 broadcast year, 4Kids Entertainment will provide all programming content for Fox's Saturday morning broadcast block, which airs from 8am to 12pm ET/PT (7am to 11am CT). Under the terms of the agreement, 4Kids will also have the right to retain all revenue from the network advertising sales during the four-hour time period. The agreement has an initial term of four broadcast years, with 4Kids having the option to extend the term for up to two additional broadcast years. 4Kids will pay a license fee of approximately $25.3 million for each broadcast year during the initial term of the agreement."

Kids' WB! will keep Pokemon (the new season will be entitled "Pokemon:  Master's Quest"...what's with all these different show titles!?!?!) and Yu-Gi-Oh!, but 4Kids' other shows might show up on the Fox Kids block.  They did announce that they'll be airing the Kirby (you know, the video game) anime this fall.  They also expressed an interest in airing the first three Pokemon movies during the block, so we'll see.  In other news, 4Kids announced that Warner Brothers won't be handling the distribution of the movies from now on--4Kids will release the fourth and fifth movies themselves (they're already planning on the fifth movie!?). 

I've gotten all my tapes in the mail, and I hope to do a *big* comparison during spring break. 

Friday, February 22nd, 2002

Hi everyone!  Sorry I haven't been around too much, but time's been slipping away from me.  I don't have much more than news updates this time around *ducks*...yeah, this is one of those "update the Episode Guide/Jouto League pictures" thing.  I've also updated the Guestbook link on the front page...if any of you have clicked on it in the last week or so, you'll notice that a little message pops up saying that the URL for the guestbook will soon expire.  Well, I've got the front page fixed for the new URL, but all the others are still using the old one.  So those might not work after a week or so.  So if you really want to sign the Guestbook (and I love reading the comments put in there!), your best bet is to use the link on the front page.  I've added three links to the main Episode Comparisons page--two of the sites contain episode comparisons for the short-lived Escaflowne dub, and the other one covers almost all the Toonami/Adult Swim shows. 

My site will be back up on envy (www.dogasu.envy.nu) shortly! 

Packed Bags, New Comparisons Up...
Saturday, February 9th, 2002

Hey everyone!  I'm back at Geocities, and hopefully it's only temporary.  Envy.nu (where my site was) has been down for over a week now, and there's no way of knowing when (or even if) it'll return.  So for the time being, the site's here at Geocities.  Yeah, I know, it sucks having to x out that little ad that pops up on the upper right-hand corner of the page, but for now that's the way it's going to be.

Geocities was acting funky when I was uploading the site.  I would upload all the files, but when I actually looked at the pages some of the images would be replaced with other images.  For example, the main button image on the sidebar was replaced with the picture of the Blue (Cascade) Badge on Kasumi's Bio page.  The image was stretched out to the proportions of the image it was replacing, and Geocities seemed to do this randomly throughout the page.  I would have to re-upload the image that was being replaced to get everything looking right.  So if you see any occurences of this that are still on the site, please let me know.  Geocities also did this with html files--the filename might be "cinema.htm", but what would actually show up was something random like the Episode 18 comparison.  I fixed those too, but again, if you see any that a I missed, please let me know.  The only images that I know of that won't load are the Gold/Silver gym leaders (it seems that Geocities refuses to recognize those pictures for some reason), the main Mezase Pokemon MASUTAA image (no big loss), the Movie 4 pictures, and the Pokemon Getto Da Ze manga pictures, and a good portion of the Popular Pokemon section.  All the others should load, but you may have to press your browser's Refresh/Reload button a few times to get them all to appear.  And if not, please e-mail me.

I never really had any of these problems with Envy, and I really do hope they get through their server problems.  I know that there are a lot of other Pokemon sites on Envy without a home right now, so hopefully all those webmaseters have found a temporary new home.  I'll be trying to do my part getting the word out to others about the move, but if any of you feel like helping me out I really would appreaciate it!

Anyway, so other than the move, I've got two new comparisons up!  This time, they're for two of the episodes I missed, Episode 7 and 8.  The tape I had my VCR set to didn't get Episode 5--that episode came on Kids' WB! on a Wednesday, and apparently they air Pokemon at a different time on Wednesdays.  Instead I got an episode of Rescue Heroes and Scooby-Doo, so you know I was disappointed.  In addition, I've put all the Video Edits in the first movie comparison in its own page because I've gotten numerous e-mails telling me that 4Kids weren't the ones reponsible for the copious amount of CGI added to the film.  And finally, for the Mewtwo Returns comparison, I've added a little note about the "Birth of Mewtwo" short featured as an extra on the DVD. 

So as I wait for more Pocket Monsters tapes to arrive in the mail (I told you that e-bay money was going to this site), I hope to get the Popular Pokemon section back up and updated for you guys.  See you later!

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