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Dogasu's Backpack | Movies & Specials Guide | The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie

Uchida AtsutoGuest Voice Actors

Every year the crew behind the Pocket Monsters films calls upon a number of famous actors, comedians, singers, and other celebrities to contribute to the film's voice cast.  The special guest stars for 2014's The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie include actors Mita Yoshiko, Yamadera Kou'ichi, Nakagawa Shouko, Adachi Rika, the comedy duo Nakagawa-ke, and Watanabe Mayu.

Below are comments from the actors posted on the movie's official website about their upcoming roles.

Mita Yoshiko
Mita Yoshiko (Xerneas)
"When I heard I'd be voice acting for the first time ever I felt really surprised!  (laughs)  I've been on this world for a long time and have this career and view of life that I think, when taken all together, led to me taking on this role.  Through Pikachu and its friends, I will be introduced to a lot of new people and that makes me happy.  I want to live in this world with the same spirit that made me so popular with my grandchildren."

初めて声優のお話を聞いた時は「あら、驚いた!」という感じでした(笑)長くこの世界でやってきて、生きてきたキャリアや人生観などトータルなもので、こ の役に声をかけて頂いたのかなと思いました。私の存在をピカチュウたちを通して、知ってもらえるというのは、嬉しいです。孫に好かれる精神が、この世界で も活かせればと思います。
Yamadera Kou'ichi
Yamadera Kou'ichi (Ninja Riot)
"My perfect attendance streak continues!  I really am very happy!  Since this is the first movie to go under the "Pokemon The Movie XY" title, I'll start back at the basics and really give it my all!  (The roles I play have all been different each and every time and so I feel nervous each and every time).

This time I'll be playing a ninja thief who uses a Gekkouga.  Now that I think about it, I used to love watching this TV show called "Phantom Agents" (
忍者部隊月光) when I was a kid and would run around pretending like I was a ninja.  I'm going back to that time and will play this role with everything I've got!"

皆勤賞継続中です!本当に嬉しい!でも「ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY」として初の劇場版なので、初心に帰って頑張ります!(そもそも毎回役が違うので、い つもドキドキなんですが)

今回はゲッコウガを使う忍者盗賊の役。そういえば子供の頃「忍者部隊月光」という番組が大好きで、よく忍者ごっこをしていたっけ‥。その頃を思い出して精 一杯演じます!!
Nakagawa Shouko
Nakagawa Shouko (Millis Steel)
"This is my eighth year as a guest voice actor and the first human role I've had in quite a while!  I'm looking forward to being able to try out this role that's so different from all the other ones I've played up until now.  This character is one with a lot of different sides to her so I think she'll help me show you all an all-new Nakgawa Shouko.  Since I'm using all the experience I've gotten in the past eight years in playing this role, I'd be very happy if you went out to the theaters to see this film."

8年目のゲスト声優の役が、久々の人間役!今まで演じたことのない、やってみたかった役に挑戦できるので、とても楽しみです。色んな顔を見せるキャラク ターなので、新たな中川翔子を見ていただけると思います。今までの8年間のすべてを込めて、がんばりたいと思いますので、是非、劇場で観て頂けると嬉しい です。
Adachi Rika
Adachi Rika (Marilyn Flame)
"I was so happy when I received the call that all I could say was "Really!?  Are you serious!?" over and over (laughs).  This is like my dream job since I've been playing the games since I was a kid and have been keeping up with the TV series all this time as well.  I really did my best to make sure the children who come to the theaters fall in love with pokemon even more."

ここ最近で一番うれしい事だったので、テンション上がりっぱなしで、「マジですか?」「マジですか?」と連呼してしまいました(笑)小さい頃からゲームも やっていたし、アニメもずっと見ていたので、すごく嬉しいお仕事でした。この映画を観て、子供たちにさらにポケモンを好きになってもうらえるように、私も がんばりたいと思います。
Nakagawa-ke (Nakagawa Tsuyoshi: Meleecie, Nakagawa Reiji: Argus Steel)
This comment is from Reiji:
"Huh?  Why!?"  That was the first thing I said when I heard that I'd be doing this movie (laughs).  I've been a comedian for a while but this is my first time doing any voiceover work.  I'm an amateur but I'll do my best to not lose to any of the others.  I don't know if children even know what I look like yet but I hope they'll look forward to this movie regardless."

「え、なぜだ?」それが、一番最初にこの話を聞いた時に返した言葉です。(笑)お笑いをやっていますけど、声優は初めてで、素人なので、みなさんに負けな いように、自分を出せればいいのかなと思います。子供たちは、僕の顔が分かるかどうか分かりませんが、楽しみにしていただければと思います。
Watanabe Mayu
Watanabe Mayu (Narration "Pikachu, What is This the Key To?")
"I was very happy (to find out that I've been chosen to do the narration for the Pikachu short)!  I saw the first movie Myuutwo Strikes Back with my family and played the games together with my older sister.  These shorts are these really soothing products that show off just how cute pokemon can be.  I hope you look forward to it!  When you talk about summer vacation movies you think about films that everybody has just got to see in theaters so I've done my best to make this the best movie of the summer!"

(短編のナレーションを担当することになり)すごく嬉しいです!映画は「ミュウツーの逆襲」を家族と一緒に観に行き、ゲームも姉と一緒に やっていました。短編はポケモンたちが本当に可愛らしくて癒やされる作品。楽しんでもらえるように頑張らなくてはと感じました。夏休み公開の作品というこ とで、全国の子どもたちにぜひ劇場で観て頂き、この夏一番の素敵な作品になるよう、お手伝いが出来ればと思います!
Uchida Atsuto
Uchida Atsuto (Uschi)
"I normally don't show my emotions and don't really like expressing myself with words and so doing work that requires me to put everything I've got into a vocal performance was difficult.  I'm very happy to be allowed to be a voice actor in a Pokemon movie since I played the pokemon games with my friends when I was in elementary school.  It'll be nice if the children who don't know me as "Uchida Atsuto the Soccer Player" get to know me as "Uschi," wouldn't it?  Please enjoy looking for me during the movie!"

普段、性格的にあまり感情を表に出さないですし、言葉にして表現することが苦手なので、(声優の仕事は)感情を込めてやるのが難しかったです。ポケモンの ゲームを小学生の頃から友達とやっていたので、映画に声優として出させてもらえるのはとても嬉しかったです。サッカー選手として「内田篤人」を知らない子 供たちにも「ウッシー」として覚えてもらえるといいですね。劇中のどこで出てくるか、楽しみにしていて下さい!




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