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Dogasu's Backpack | Movies & Specials Guide | The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie


The theme song for The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie will be a song called
The Early Morning Meteor Shower (夜明 けの流星群).  It will be sung by a four girl band named Scandal.

All four members of the band are big Pokemon fans.  The first video game that was ever bought for both Rina and Mami were Pocket Monsters games and the first movies they ever saw in theaters was "Pocket Monsters."  Because of this, Scandal has really given this song everything they've got.

Below are comments made by the band members on the official website:

Haruna Haruna (Vocals and Guitar)
"When I first heard that we'd get to provide the theme song for this year's movie I was so happy that I jumped up and down.  It feels like only yesterday that those of us who are in what is being called "the first Pokemon generation" were anxiously looking forward to seeing the first Pokemon movie "Myuutwo Strikes Back" with our friends during our summer break.  Kids look forward to these Pokemon movies during their summer vacation every year even now and so we wanted to create an unforgettable song for this future generation that will be even more memorable to them as these movies have been to us."

今回主題歌を担当させていただけると聞いたときは、飛び上がるぐらい嬉しかったです。ポケモン第一世代と呼ばれる私達ですが、夏休みのポケモン映画第一弾 「ミュウツーの逆襲」が上映される時に友達みんなでワクワク待ち遠しくしていたのをつい最近のことのように覚えています。そんな長年に渡ってキッズ達に愛 されてきた夏休みのポケモン映画、私達の記憶にずっと残っているようにこれからの未来を担う子供たちの記憶に焼きつくよう私たちの楽曲で更に盛り上げてい ければなと思います!
Tomomi Tomomi (Bass and Vocals)
"When I was an elementary school kid we talked about Pokemon all the time whenever we had any free time.  Naturally, Pokemon was a part of our adolescence.  I think for a lot of children, Pokemon The Movie XY "The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie" will be the first movie they see in their lives.  We made this song with everything we've got, hoping to capture the same fervor and excitement that we felt back then...no, even more than we felt back then.  We hope you'll enjoy it all the way up until the end."

小学生の頃、休み時間の話題はいつだってポケモン。まさに私たちの青春そのものでした。今回の『ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 「破壊の繭とディアンシー」』が初めて観る映画になる子供たちも沢山いると思います。あの頃の私たちが抱いた興奮と感動と同じくらい、いやそれを越えるも のを持って帰って頂けるように、精一杯心を込めて作りました。ラストまで楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです。
Mami Mami (Guitar and Vocals)
"The first movie I ever saw was Pokemon.  I still remember the movie being so intense that I
thought the pokemon were going to come jumping out of the movie screen and being the kid who was bawling her eyes out.  I love the Pokemon games and have been playing the games from the days of Pocket Monsters Red, Green, and Blue all the way up until the newest games Pocket Monsters XY so Pokemon has certainly been a big part of my life and has made me very happy.  I hope our song is able to cheer on the pokemon who play a role in this movie."

生まれて初めて観た映画はポケモン。今にもポケモンたちが画面から飛び出してくるんじゃないかと思うくらいの迫力と子どもながらに映画の世界に入り込んで ボロボロ泣いたのを覚えています。ポケモンのゲームも大好きで、『ポケットモンスター赤・緑』『ポケットモンスター青』の頃から最新作『ポケットモンス ターX・Y』までプレイしているので、そんな自分の人生には欠かせないポケモンに携われて、とても嬉しいです!ポケモンたちの活躍を私たちの曲で応援でき たらなと思います!
Rina Rina (Drums and Vocals) 
"We've been put in charge of providing the theme song for Pokemon The Movie XY The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie!  We're all extremely happy, being right in the center of the Pokemon generation and all.  The first game I ever got for my birthday was a Pokemon game and if I think about it Pokemon was always by my side when I was a little kid.  We'll be happy if the children for whom this is the first movie they see and for whom The Early Morning Meteor Shower is the first song they remember can look back on this time when they become adults and are able to replay the song in their head.  We're also looking forward to performing this song live!"

今回、映画『ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 「破壊の繭とディアンシー」』の主題歌を担当させていただくことになりました!ポケモン世代ド真ん中の私たちにとっても、とても嬉しいことです。誕生日プ レゼントで初めてもらったゲームもポケモンで、思い返せばポケモンがそばにある幼少期でした。今回が初めて観る映画になる子供たちが、初めて覚えた歌が 「夜明けの流星群」になって、それが大人になった時に子供の頃を振り返ると頭の中で自然に再生されたら嬉しいです。ライブでやるのも楽しみです!

The CD single for the song will be released on July 16th, 2014.  Part of the song will debut in the new movie trailer set to be released on April 19th, 2014.




  Dogasu's Backpack is a fan-created website  Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) is © 1995-2022 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK, Inc. / Pokémon USA / 4Kids Entertainment Inc.  No infringement of copyrights is meant by the creation of the web site.

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