Pockemon is sooooo gay. Its so stoopid. hEres what it is abowt.
Theres a guy named ash (that name is sooooo gay) and h e comes from palet town. he has stupid hair he looks like he rippedit off from goku. dragonball z is a 1000000000 times better then this peace of shit cartoon. they don' teven blink. therez misty who has crappy 80's hair. she looks like my sister who is a hoe. and brock is the toher guy and he NEEDS TO OPEN HIS I'S!!!11!1 and hiz hair is dumb. they go around with pikachoo (bless you...HAHAHAHAHAAHAH) whoze a rabbit or somethin. they fihgt team rocket. jessie is soooo hot i mastrubate to her twice a day. and theres james who's gay. he cross dresses what is that teaching our children to be friggin homos/
i know what they need to do. they schould cancel the show or put it off the air. if not, then we true anime fans will boycott them and set fire to theyre house. but they wont cancel its like power rangers it wont go away so heres what they do they need to put more fihgts in it and have some blood. thatd be cool. and they need 2 show misty and ash get it on. then ratings would go up 300% and they need to have better monsters. some of them are too cute get rid of clefairy or whatever hsi name is itz stupid. they need to make the show more like dragon ballz . they coule fly and have super powers and kill team rocket and get good bad guys.
the show is stupid. dragon ball z is awesome. the music rocks they need more heaevy metal bands in pokcemon. its much better. go watch that instead.
Jesse is hot. Misty is hot. James is hot. i wish i could se e there