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Dogasu's Backpack | Movies & Specials Guide | XY Special

Alan (アラン) / Alain

Japanese VA:  Ono Kenshou
Pokemon on Hand:  Lizardon (Mega Lizardon X), Jukain (Mega Jukain)

Alan is a Trainer who has set out on a journey In order to "...master the secrets of Mega Evolution and then stand at the top as the strongest."  He was doing research with Platane-Hakase about Mega Evolution when...

His partner pokemon, Lizardon, is able to Mega Evolve into Mega Lizardon X.

Manon (マノン) / Mairin

Japanese VA:  Komatsu Mikako
Pokemon on Hand:  Harimaron, Flabebe

Manon is a novice Trainer who only just started her journey.  Her partner pokemon is a Harimaron who always gets her out of trouble
that she's nicknamed "Hari-san" (ハリさん).  She loves Mega Evolution and is traveling with Alan.

Daigo (ダイゴ) / Steven

Japanese VA:  TBA
Pokemon on Hand:  Metagross (Mega Metagross)

Daigo is the Champion of the Houen Region.

He is currently doing independent research on where Mega Evolution started.  His partner is a differently-colored Metagross.  An all-out battle between his Mega Evolved Metagross and Alan's Mega Lizardon X is about to unfold!




  Dogasu's Backpack is a fan-created website  Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) is © 1995-2014 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK, Inc. / Pokémon USA / 4Kids Entertainment Inc.  No infringement of copyrights is meant by the creation of the web site.

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